The Ministry of Culture approved the Protocol for the management of visits to the Llaqta or Inka city of Machupicchu, which also specifies the high season of visits for 2024, which includes the period from June 1 to October 15. 2024 and from December 30 to 31 of this year.
In this high season, the entrance capacity to the llaqta or Inka city of Machupicchu increases from 4,500 to a maximum of 5,600 visitors per day, through new routes. The start of the sale of the 1,100 difference tickets for the high season will be announced by the Ministry of Culture ( and on the institution’s social networks.
This decision was made official through Ministerial Resolution No. 000207-2024-MC, signed by the head of the sector, Leslie Urteaga, where the Protocol for the management of visits to the llaqta or Inka city of Machupicchu in the high visitor season was approved.
“For some time now we have been concerned about improving visitor management in our llaqta. All of this has been a process of conversation with civil society, with tourist guides, with tourism operators, with SERNANP on behalf of MINAM, with the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism as well. We have reached several consensuses, during these last weeks, to have this visiting protocol that will be better managed and that will help us have more order. We are still working on the regulations,” said the minister.
“This protocol is focused on dynamic peak season capacity. A few months ago we decided together that the high season was from June 1 to October 15, which coincides with worldwide holidays. We know that we have a greater influx and I hope that this year we will recover that number of visitors in previous times,” she added.
The minister highlighted that the protocol, “will help us have better numbers to be able to enjoy the visit, so that our guides can provide information. Now the entry tolerance that was initially 30 minutes, with the protocol we reach 45 minutes because we are going to receive more visitors.»
The head of Culture highlighted that improvements are now proposed in visits to the llaqta. “What most of us want is to have a photo of our citadel, a photo from above of the most iconic part. That is why this protocol proposes a visit reduced to 2 and a half hours, maximum 3 hours. There will be routes with new trails, new platforms that prevent the flow of people from deteriorating the monument in any way,” she emphasized.
Through this resolution published today, article 15 – A of the Regulation of sustainable use and tourist visits for the conservation of the llaqta or Inka city of Machupicchu, approved by Ministerial Resolution No. 070-2017-MC, was also modified.
There it is stated that, “the entry time to each circuit is the one stated on your entry ticket. There is a tolerance of thirty (30) minutes to enter the Llaqta de Machupicchu in low season and forty-five (45) minutes in high season. After this period, the visitor cannot enter the Machupicchu llaqta, except for reasons of force majeure or duly proven fortuitous event.”
On a date promptly announced by the Ministry of Culture, tour operators and the general public will have the possibility, through the platform, to purchase tickets to visit the Inka city of Machupicchu from June 1, through of the ten new routes.
Previously purchased tickets remain valid for entry to the Inka city of Machupicchu, allowing visitors to tour it through the new circuits.
About the Protocol for managing visits in High Season
Its objective is to establish the guidelines and guidelines to guarantee the protection and conservation of the archaeological heritage, and to provide an optimal visiting experience to the llaqta or Inka city of Machupicchu, during the months of high visitor season.
Given this scenario, the Ministry of Culture, through the DDC Cusco and the PANM, in coordination with the public and private entities involved in the management of the llaqta or Inka city of Machupicchu, will implement a series of exceptional measures to guarantee the conservation of archaeological heritage.
The PANM Headquarters of the Ministry of Culture is the body in charge of applying the protocol in relation to the conservation of the Llaqta or Inka city of Machupicchu, as well as the organization, conditioning and maintenance of the tourist circuits, their areas, sectors. , routes, its area of direct influence, and other linked areas.
The Ministry of Culture reaffirms its commitment to the conservation of cultural heritage and guarantees an optimal experience visiting Machupicchu.
Cusco, May 13, 2024