Homestay is a popular form of hospitality and lodging whereby visitors sleep at the residence of a local of the city to which they are traveling. The length of stay can vary from one night to over a year and can be free, in exchange for monetary compensation, in exchange for a stay at the guest’s property either simultaneously or at another time (home exchange), or in exchange for housekeeping or work on the host’s property. Homestays are examples of collaborative consumption and sharing. In cases where money is not exchanged in return for lodging, they are examples of a barter economy or gift economy.

2 Days - 1 Night Medium
If you’re looking for a thrilling and rewarding experience, the hike to huayna picchu  is a must-see destination. This steep and challenging trek offers stunning views of...
2% Off
$475 $485
Next Departure Jul 26 Jul 27 Jul 28
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2 Days - 1 Night Medium
The Short Inka Trail is designed for travelers who want to experience the magic of the Inca Trail, without committing the time needed for one...
4% Off
$550 $570
Next Departure Jul 26 Jul 27 Jul 28
Available through out the year:
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2 Days - 1 Night Easy
Embark on an unforgettable journey from the sacred valley to machu picchu. This 2-day tour will take you through ancient remains, breathtaking landscapes, and cultural experiences...
3% Off
$390 $400
Next Departure Jul 26 Jul 27 Jul 28
Available through out the year:
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